Just imagine being diagnosed with cancer at 40 and you’re told it’s incurable. This is the dire situation that Dr Gil Winch faced over 20 years ago. Once he recovered from the shock, he set out to overcome his illness by strengthening his body, strengthening his mind and finding a new life mission. This eventually led to him founding Call Yachol, an outsourcing call center, which is a 100% underdog company composed mainly of people with disabilities and is a proving ground for his hiring and workforce-building model. Gil and I talked about this and much more on much more on Episode 52 of the Reframe & Reset Your Career podcast.
In this episode, we will learn about:
How Gil moved from clinical to organisational psychology as it was more aligned with his personality,
How he started his mission to assist people with disabilities back into work,
Why helping people and giving is so transformative,
The strategies that he used to take back control and overcome his illness,
The power of reframing and how it helps to overcome fear,
How his company reduces the stress and anxiety of the interview process,
Ways of developing confidence,
Managing difficult situations at work,
Job search strategies, and
Creating a caring environment and managing your team with kindness.
Gil has served for 30+ years as an organizational consultant for many large companies and is an in-demand keynote speaker. His work creating Call Yachol has received international attention and led to an invitation to speak at conferences alongside Bill Clinton and other influential leaders.
Gil is the author of Winning with Underdogs, which is an inspiring read and a practical step-by-step guide, using the lessons from his business, to help build a more just society, while benefitting your business―and everyone in it!
People & Resources Mentioned
Gil Winch (The Way We Work, a TED series): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UiU99_tE7I
Guy Winch
Contact Gil
Website: https://gilwinch.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gil-winch-40a96711a/
Reframe & Reset Your Career Resources & Contact Info
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/ReframeResetYourCareer
LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/reframe-reset-your-career/?viewAsMember=true
E-mail – reframeandresetyourcareer@harshaboralessa.com
Thank you for your continued support of Reframe & Reset Your Career, I do appreciate it. The next episode is Ayse Birsel, who is one of the world’s leading industrial designers; her work can be found in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art. She is recognized as “#1 Coach for Life Design,” by Marshall Goldsmith 100Coaches. She is the author of Design the LONG Life You Love and her new book, Design the LONG Life You Love, was published in December 2022 and is a great read! The episode will be released on Weds 12th April.
It would be great to hear from you, the listeners, and your thoughts about the podcast, YouTube channel or anything else, it’s always a pleasure to hear your views. I have had some great reviews but not had any way of responding.
*Reframe & Reset Your Career, including any comments made by the host and guests, is for informational purposes only and does not constitute advice of any description, including but not restricted to financial, legal, investing or medical advice.*