Episode 65. The Perfection Trap: The Power Of Good Enough – Professor Thomas Curran

What is perfectionism and does it lead to success and better performance? Professor Thomas Curran and I discussed this, other insights from his best selling book “The Perfection Trap”, being interviewed by Gwyneth Paltrow and much more on Episode 65 of the Reframe & Reset Your Career podcast. In this episode, we will learn about: […]

Episode 45. Neuroscience Insights Into Interoception, Decision Making And Career Success – Professor Sarah Garfinkel

What is interoception and can gut feeling impact decision making? Professor Sarah Garfinkel, who leads the Clinical and Affective Neuroscience Group at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, and I discussed this and so much more on Episode 45 of the Reframe & Reset Your Career podcast. In this episode, we will learn about: Why she chose to study psychology at […]

Episode 27. The Principles Of Influence & Persuasion – Brian Ahearn

Interested in learning more about the principles of influence and the ground breaking work of famed psychologist, Dr Robert Cialdini? Brian Ahearn, author, coach and consultant talked about this, his work and much more on Episode 27 of the Reframe & Reset Your Career podcast. In this episode, we will learn about: Applying the self […]

Episode 17. Exploring Mental Wellness At Work – Susanna Harkonen

Looking to gain a better understanding of mental wellness at work including insights into psychological safety and managing uncertainty? Susanna Harkonen, an Organizational Mental Health Expert & Registered Counselor, discussed this with me on Episode 17 of the Reframe & Reset Your Career podcast. In this episode, we will learn about: How Mental Wellness Impacts […]

Episode 6. Think Big – Dr Grace Lordan

Looking for ideas to help on your journey to achieving ambitious future goals? Dr Grace Lordan shares behavioural science based insights and practical steps from her best selling book “Think Big” and much more on Episode 6 of the Reframe & Reset Your Career podcast. Hopefully this will inspire you to start taking the steps […]

Episode 3. Exploring Growth Mindset and Positive Psychology – Lucy Whitehall

What is growth mindset and positive psychology and how can it help enhance your job search and career development? Lucy Whitehall, the founder of Transform and Thrive, discussed this and much more on Episode 3 of the Reframe & Reset Your Career podcast. In this episode, we will learn about:  Fixed versus Growth Mindset, Developing […]

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