Episode 9. Finding Your Path: The Conscious Career – Emilie West

 Are you struggling to find your ideal job or gain fulfilment at work? Don’t worry, you’re not alone, many people are going through this but there are strategies that can help. Emilie West, the founder of Alchemy Coaching, talked about this, job search, personal branding, growth mindset and so much more on Episode 9 of […]

Episode 7. Luck = Talent + Opportunity! – Lindsey Stewart

Lindsey Stewart is an investor engagement expert who works for KPMG’s UK audit practice. He has a 20-year career in financial services and holds the CFA and CIMA qualifications in financial analysis and management accounting. An avid communicator, Lindsey has authored many articles and publications on a variety of topics: from technical accounting, to audit […]

Episode 4. Career & Life Insights from Tennis – Ivana Petrich

How can playing tennis at an elite level help you succeed in your professional career? Ivana Petrich talked about this and much more in Episode 4 of the Reframe & Reset Your Career podcast. In this episode, we will learn about: Self-discipline and what it takes to be great, How talent only takes you so […]

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