Episode 69. How Philosophy Can Boost Your Career & Life – Dr Brennan Jacoby

Learning about philosophy may seem like a luxury in our fast paced world but it has a number of benefits for your career and life, including developing your critical thinking skills and the ability to solve complex problems.   Dr Brennan Jacoby, a philosopher and the founder of Philosophy at Work, and I discussed this, his […]

Episode 68. Bite-size Job Search Insights & Strategies Part 1 – Various

Looking for insights and strategies to boost your job search in the new year? As we’re coming up to the start of the new year, I wanted to experiment with a different format and this episode focuses entirely on job search and has bite size clips from some of the previous guests on the podcast. Now […]

Episode 65. The Perfection Trap: The Power Of Good Enough – Professor Thomas Curran

What is perfectionism and does it lead to success and better performance? Professor Thomas Curran and I discussed this, other insights from his best selling book “The Perfection Trap”, being interviewed by Gwyneth Paltrow and much more on Episode 65 of the Reframe & Reset Your Career podcast. In this episode, we will learn about: […]

Episode 52. Overcoming Cancer To Build A Successful Company With 100% Underdogs

Just imagine being diagnosed with cancer at 40 and you’re told it’s incurable. This is the dire situation that Dr Gil Winch faced over 20 years ago. Once he recovered from the shock, he set out to overcome his illness by strengthening his body, strengthening his mind and finding a new life mission. This eventually […]

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